Best Apps and Websites You Can Use for Prank Calling It would be best to keep all the stunts clean and fun. Just make sure you are not harming your loved ones because of the prank. Wouldn't it be nice to receive a call from someone you love? But what if both of them don't know who initiated the call? How chaotic could it get? Look at how this prank went to learn more about this prank idea. But, how about you add a little spice to the gathering and prank your loved family? If you can't think of anything about how to prank your loved ones, then here's a perfect idea for you: make two of your loved ones call each other without them knowing! Don't worry they will never know you are the villain. Pranking people never gets old, whether a prank call or any physical prank- and holidays won't be complete without the fun and games! Holidays mean eating with family, celebrating the season- oh, heartwarming scene.